Wednesday, 29 April 2020


Here is some inspiration to get you thinking about gymnastics.
The poem is called Gymnastics by Michael Rosen and can be found in his book 
Quick, Let's Get Out Of Here.

In Forest School we do a gymnastics based activity with Year 3 called Theseus and the Minotaur linked to their Greek project. 

In small groups the children make a gymnastic type obstacle to either go over, under or to balance upon. We also focus on Health and Safety to ensure these are safe to use. Each obstacle is then added together to make a labryinth for the children to escape the Minotaur. 

Here are some example pictures of the work they completed earlier in the year.

So your challenge is simple. Can you make a gymnastics course either indoors or outdoors?
You could use things like popup tunnels or large cardboard boxes if you have them. Why not balance on a brick? Put down two sticks to represent the banks of a stream and see if you can jump across. I'm sure you have lots of ideas and we'd love to see your photos.

Remember to stay safe and get things checked out by an adult.

By the way Gnorman has gone missing again. Can you find him in the pictures above. He appears four times. Remember to click on the photo to see a larger image.

Have fun.

Where's Gnorman ?

Gnorman couldn't wait for today's post so here is an additional extra.

Can you spot Gnorman in the picture below.

(Remember calling his name won't work online!)

Click on the picture to see large.

Good luck with your hunting.

If you can't remember what he looks like see yesterday's post.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

A Big Hello from Gnorman

Gnorman tells me it's been awfully quiet in Forest School for some time now. He wonders where everyone has gone and why no one tries to find him anymore. I've tried to explain but he doesn't really get it.
He says all Harrold wants to do is push his wheelbarrow about and that's just no fun.

So I suggested we could play 'Where's Gnorman?' online. All Gnorman has to do is go and hide. I'll take a photo and we'll post to see if anyone can spot him in the photo.

He thinks this is a great idea and looks very much to hearing from you all.

Watch future posts and see if you can find Gnorman in the photo.

By the way he tells me someone has been creeping into Forest School and is feeding the birds so that's good. Hopefully they will be nesting now with lots of young ones to come over the rest of the Springtime.