Monday 14 May 2012


Thanks to Find Us Outside! for this idea. We have been exploring the human body and how it works with Year 4 using our real human half skeleton called Bone-e-part. This has been great for the children to touch and see how different joint fit together.

In Forest School children had the opportunity using natural materials to construct a whole skeleton and it was really good to see how many of the bones they had remembered names for as they explained how their skeleton had been put together.

Friday 4 May 2012

It rains!

Year 3 started a weather project before Easter and would it rain? No! So each day their rain gauges returned zero mm. They were left out over the holiday and after four weeks (two weeks holiday, one week residential and then recorded during the fourth) 50mm of rain had fallen. This is full so they were emptied to start again. Last week 23.4 50mm was collected during the week and so far this week 30.4 40mm of has been collected. I guess you could say we're getting wet in Forest School. 
Rain Gauge 

The weather stick says it's going to rain!

Now how much have we collected?

Just a morning's rainfall!