Friday 14 December 2012

Winter Comes

It has been a strange term in Forest School this year and the result must be down to the weather we have had. Last year there was an abundance of fruit on the site, beech nuts, cherries, acorns and so on. The children had great fun making fairy plates with all that they found. But this year nothing!
By contrast the dry winter last year has given way to a very wet period and managing movement around the site has been important to preserve the grassed areas and prevent it becoming a mud bath.

However, at least this year Winter has made an appearance and finding out from the children why they think it is cold has been most interesting, from 'it's because of Father Christmas or Jack Frost' to the child who thanked the Head Teacher for the decorating the perimeter fence for Christmas (frozen cobwebs). It has provided a wonderful time to explore what things look like in the cold and why it happens.

The children have also had the opportunity to be creative using the frosty nights to come up with their own creations.

Below is just a glimpse into Winter at Lyndon Green. All we need now is the snow!!

Wednesday 12 December 2012


This has been one of our most successful topics of late. The children have not only worked fantastically in Forest School lessons but have wanted to follow up this in their own time creating comics about the dragons.

We started the lesson with a game of true and false where children had to run between trees to select their answer to a statement.

Marco Polo encountered dragons on his travels. True or False
Legend says Alexander the Great was the son of a dragon. True or False

After this links were made to their heroes work through discussion before starting on creating the dragons.

For some lessons children made themselves into the dragon but as the weather deteriorated dragons became creatures to ride upon the back of.

Some of the children were so excited they wanted to take the work further to put their dragons in to a story. After a few lunchtimes this is what they came up with.

Monday 10 December 2012

More Lost Garden Sculptures

The next round of Year 6 classes have been making their Lost Garden Sculptures. Witches, a snake, elves, a wasp and a dinosaur. Can spot them? Here they are:-

Monday 3 December 2012

Winter in the Lost Gardens

Today in Forest School we have been looking at the signs of Winter and found plenty of interesting things on the site. From fungus to nests but the one everyone wanted to find just wasn't there. Can you guess what it was?
The Winter Spotter Sheet
Year 6 have been introduced to the mysterious characters in the Lost Gardens of Helligan.
The children worked to create their own mini characters to reflect a woodland setting and we hope to make some large size versions in the New Year.

Which is your favourite?