Friday 12 February 2021

Ice Post

It seems a long time since we have had a prolonged period of cold weather in Forest School.

You can read about the last time here. 2012 really!

While the snow may have gone there are still plenty of things to do while the cold lasts.

Year 6 have been outside in Forest School making some ice towers.

So why not see what you can do?
Can you make an ice tower?
Can you make an ice decoration? You need a small plastic pot, cold water, string, something bright to put in the water. Leave over night to freeze then hang up in your outdoor space.

Can you skim ice pieces over frozen water?
Can you make ice cups for candles? Secure a weighted container in a larger container full of water. Leave overnight to freeze. Remover the next day to reveal your ice cup. Use as a candle holder to light up a dark evening.

Hope you can have some fun before it gets warm again.

Monday 25 January 2021

Big Garden Birdwatch 2021

In case you missed it you can watch the assembly here.

Here you can sign up to take part in the Birdwatch.

Here you can find all the instructions you need to help you take part. You can also print id/counting sheets here.

What do birds need, like to eat. Find out here.

What type of birds might you find on your patch.

Mr Crees is a Blackbird!

Follow on social media Twitter  Instagram

Includes bird feeder recipes, activity sheets and creative resources.

Also watch out for live streaming events so even if you can't take part you can watch someone who can.
Whatever you do have fun. I will post about my birdwatch and anything that happens in school as soon as material is available.

ID and Counting sheet