Friday 19 June 2020

Day 19 Read a Wild Book

Who knew ladybirds can stay so still a predator will think they are dead, oh and they are carnivores too! Loads more amazing facts can be found here.

Today's challenge is to read a wild book. I love books with lots of pictures, diagrams and labels so any books like this one are great from my point of view.

But it is stories I like best so here are two of my top recommendations.

Firstly I love books with wildlife and dragons. So this one combines both together.

David Rain is a student looking for accommodation while at university. He meets Mrs Pennykettle and her daughter Lucy at 42 Wayward Crescent. Around the house are a number of mysterious clay dragons made by Mrs Pennykettle and in the garden Conker the squirrel and for David Gadzooks.

'What?" gasped Lucy, too excited to be shushed.
David let his imagination flow. To his amazement, he watched Gadzooks take a pencil from his jaws and hurriedly scribble down a name on his pad.
David's eyebrows twitched in surprise. Liz prodded a sausage or two with a fork. Lucy bit a fingernail. Bonnington (the cat) yawned. The whole Pennykettle household waited for an answer.
"Snigger," David whispered.
From somewhere came a gentle hrring noise.
David's dark blue eyes blinked open. "Yes," he said, "his name is Snigger."

To find out just what is going on you'll have to read the book.

Oh some of my dragons just wanted to say hi!

Secondly I love books that have a map at the start. And this one does just that.

What would it be like to live in a world where animals no longer exist or if they do there are very few and when you meet them they talk to you?
Kester lives in such a world and goes on a quest but how can a young boy save the last wild animals?

The wardens haul me back to my room and lock the door behind them as if nothing happened.

Seven days. Stuck in here. Because I thought an insect was talking to me.

Sat up against the wall, clutching my pillow to my chest, I try to focus on the world beyond the window. A solid black sky, but no rain.

I try to think of happy things - like being back at home. I'm helping Mum unpack the shopping. I've said something to make her laugh. Then Dad comes in holding his favourite mug, full of tea, and joins in. And we're laughing and cooking dinner and we're happy. 
Everything is normal again.

If you like these stories The Last Wild is part of a trilogy and The Fire Within is one of seven books in the series.

Whatever you read Have fun 😀📚📚

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