Tuesday 9 June 2020

Day 9 Wild Mindfulness

Yesterday was a chance to go for a walk in an unexpected place. I found myself in Rectory Park as the nearby hospital was a little overcrowded and decided to take a walk around while waiting. The sun came out to enhance the walk. I seem to remember playing football here many many years ago. The football pitches were largely unused overgrown with strips cut through. Large areas had been left wild and it was just good to wander around. An interesting oak tree took my eye and reminded me of the one cut down in Forest School. Soon the phone went and it was back to the hustle and bustle of the hospital.

Taking time out during the day is really important. Our brains can take in up to 11 billion bits of information a minute and possibly only pay attention to 120 bits of information (That's like two people talking to you at once).* We are always thinking about something. So it's good just to take time out, slow down and be in the moment to be aware of the here and now.

That's today's challenge to spend some time being mindful. You could sit outside and listen to the sounds, watch a flower or a small creature, be still and become aware of your breathing or even take your shoes and socks off and become aware of the feel of the ground under your feet.

If you feel like some yoga here is a sheet of ideas from the Wildlife Trusts.

Down by the pond - Photo today.

* Fast Company Britannica

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